The Mission Impossible franchise, led by Tom Cruise, is renowned for its action-packed films. The latest installment, the seventh in the series, was released last month. Although the movie did not perform as expected due to competition from Oppenheimer and Barbie, Todd Vaziri, the VFX artist from Mission Impossible 3, revealed some interesting details about the film in a recent interview. Read on to find out the details.
In 2006, the third film in the franchise was released, featuring intense action and a captivating scene where the characters are on the hunt for the Rabbit’s Foot. The sequence includes a thrilling car explosion on a freeway, with Tom Cruise’s character, Ethan Hunt, thrown into the chaos.
Todd Vaziri, the VFX artist from Industrial Light & Magix, spoke about the challenging nature of creating this iconic sequence in Mission Impossible 3. In an interview with Corridor’s Crew, Todd explained, “It was very difficult to put all the stuff together and make it a cohesive camera move… So they built a stereo camera rig with overlap so that we can basically have two motion picture cameras going at the same time. So I would have two pieces of negative to work with, which is wonderful; it’s great for fidelity. These also have to get now seamed together, and if you look carefully, Tom goes across the seam, and the explosion goes across the seam.”
Todd further highlighted the complexities of the action sequence, stating, “You can see the dolly tracks, you can see the sandbags, you can see the pads and everything like that, so this was a real tricky shot to put together.”
In this particular scene from Mission Impossible 3, Ethan Hunt captures Owen Davian and faces attacks from goons while transferring him. The bridge collapses, followed by a massive explosion. With Tom Cruise known for performing his own stunts, filming this scene required overcoming various obstacles and including all the essential props and elements in the sequence.
Although Mission Impossible 7, starring Tom Cruise, reportedly faced box office losses due to competition from Barbenheimer, the franchise remains popular among fans. Share your favorite film from the Mission Impossible series in the comments! Stay tuned to Celebtrends for more updates on Hollywood.