While we eagerly anticipate the resurgence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the studio is actively working on projects to expedite their return to glory. Alongside the development of the Multiverse saga and various standalone IPs, all efforts at the headquarters are leading to one monumental film: Avengers: Secret Wars, also known as Avengers 6. This movie, slated to follow The Kang Dynasty, promises to surpass the scale of even Endgame. However, the latest update brings disappointing news.
Avengers: Secret Wars, also known as Avengers 6, will serve as the culmination of the Multiverse saga and is scheduled to conclude Phase 6. According to reports, the film will unite all potential superheroes on the New Earth, also referred to as Battle World. Previous rumors indicated that Sam Raimi might direct this Magnum Opus, with Deadpool 3 providing the foundation. Unfortunately, amidst our excitement and ongoing analysis of plot details, it seems that we are in for yet another setback.
Recently, a popular Instagram page known as MCMCulture, renowned for its insights into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shared a story featuring the Avengers: Secret Wars logo. What caught attention was the inclusion of the year 2028, accompanied by a wide-eyed emoticon. Although the story lacks additional details, it strongly suggests that the movie might be delayed once again.
Initially announced for a May 1, 2026 release, Avengers: Secret Wars was later rescheduled to May 7, 2027. Rumors now suggest a two-year delay from the original date. Stay tuned to Celebtrends for further updates on this matter.